• Support Coordination (SC) is a capacity building support which helps you to connect with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services. Essentially Support Coordination helps you to link in with services to achieve your NDIS Goals.

    The role of Support Coordination also includes

    - Facilitating your understanding of your NDIS plan

    - Help navigate NDIS pathways and processes

    - Providing assistance to overcome any difficulties that may arise with support services

    - Facilitating choice and control over your NDIS services and supports

  • The fundamental intent when utilising Support Coordination is to enable the participant to gain the confidence to manage their NDIS plan as independently as possible. Capacity Building is one of the different types of funding allocated in an NDIS plan.

  • Support Coordination is not available for everyone. Support Coordination is generally funded for participants who are considered to have more complex needs. SC is funded under Capacity Building and provides a specific amount of support hours per year. Support Coordination is something that can be requested for at the time of your planning meeting, at plan reviews or with changes in circumstances.

    Please note, recent NDIS updates now state that Self-Managed Participants can use their Core Budget flexibly to access Support Coordination. This now enables Self-Managed Participants to access Support Coordination from their Core Budget, without requiring dedicated ‘Support Coordination’ funding under their Capacity Building budget.

  • Gem Support Coordination only have capacity to provide services to participants who have Support Coordination approved within their current NDIS plan, OR Self-Managed Participants who choose to use their Core Funding to engage Support Coordination Services (this is in alignment with recent NDIS Self-Management guidelines allowing SC to be funded from flexible core funds - download the new Self-management guide here).

    For Plan and Agency-Managed Participants; Support Coordination will still need to be requested via a review of your plan. Talk with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) and Allied Health Providers about obtaining supporting evidence to take to the NDIA to justify your request to have Support Coordination included in your plan.

  • No. Support Coordination is a Capacity Building Support which is intended to reduce over time as your skills and understanding of NDIS processes develop. The length of time Support Coordination will be funded within your plan depends on the complexity of your circumstances and the support you have around you.

  • Yes, Gem Support Coordination is a non-registered provider. This means that Gem SC can only access funding within your plan if it is self managed or plan managed. If your SC funding is Agency Managed we can assist you to submit a review request to have this changed.

  • A NDIS registered service provider is a provider that has registered its services and has been approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to deliver NDIS funded services. To register, providers must meet certain criteria, such as the NDIS Price Guide, and follow specific rules, regulations and agreements when providing services. NDIS registration can be a lengthy and costly process, and because of this some businesses choose to stay unregistered.

    You can choose to use both registered and unregistered providers for any supports or services funded through your NDIS plan if you are self-managed or plan-managed. If you are agency-managed (sometimes called NDIA-managed), you can only use registered providers.

  • Plan Managers are involved with the financial aspect of your NDIS plan. They keep a track of the funding types, the rate of spending and the forecasting of funds to last the duration of your NDIS plan. They process payments, retain receipts and provide a snapshot of your plan usage at any time. Your Support Coordinator will liaise with your Plan Manager when applying for additional or necessary supports and services, to ensure they are deemed as reasonable and necessary under NDIS specifications.

  • For any unanswered question, please email meagan@gemsc.com.au where Meagan will be happy to assist and answer any questions you may have.